Browse Items (40 total)

[ID: Two DPRK soldiers attack an American soldier in front of several missiles ready to launch with text in Korean that reads, "Now cease reckless wars!" /end ID]AnalysisDeliberate: premeditatedSystemic: part of a methodical and regular campaign by…

[ID: Black and white image depicting injured soldiers struggling in a snowstorm with text in Korean that reads, "Communists force you into a third winter of war! /end ID]AnalysisDeliberate: premeditatedSystemic: part of a methodical and regular…

[ID: Comic titled "The Red Iceberg" with Uncle Sam on a ship labeled "USA" about to run into a red iceberg with multiple tombstones with "Poland," "Hungary," "North Korean," Czechoslovakia," "East Germany," and "China" on them. /end…

[ID: Black and white illustration of a woman being crushed by a giant pair of men's shoes with text that reads, "If Russia Should Win. If Russia and the Communists should win the next world war, many American men would be sterilized. In case the…

[ID: Recruitment article titled "In 1916, the Navy only wanted Men. Today We want People Who want to Succeed" accompanied by a picture of old Navy recruitment posters in contrast with images of men and women working in the Navy. The first paragraph…

[ID: Image of the 1969 moon landing with a saluting astronaut beside an American flag between text that reads, "Find yourself in the Air Force. Scott, Irwin, & Worden did." /end ID]AnalysisDeliberate: premeditatedSystemic: part of a methodical…

[ID: Black and white drawing of a flag with a pair of hands holding the Olympic Flame and cuffed by the Olympic rings between the words, "Moscow Olympics 1980." Behind the flag, part of the Kremlin is visible. /end ID]AnalysisDeliberate:…

[ID: Poster of the film Rocky IV featuring a victorious Rocky in the ring draped in an American flag. /end ID]AnalysisDeliberate: premeditatedSystemic: part of a methodical and regular campaign by the film industry Attempt: perceptual,…

[ID: A 1953 New York Times article headline reads, "Perverts Called Government Peril. Gabrielson, G.O.P. Chief, says They are as Dangerous as Reds." /end ID]AnalysisDeliberate: premeditatedSystemic: part of a methodical and organized campaign by the…

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[ID: Article with a drawing of two men at a table, one of them pointing at the other. The title reads, "How and What to Tell a Communist." The text below says:"Don't look for physical differences when you try to spot a Communist. Communists are all…
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