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[ID: Cartoon titled Triumph of the American battle-ship" "shows a gleeful Uncle Sam sitting with John Bull, who is a sailor representing England, and six figures representing "Spain", "Italy" (Umberto I), "Austria" (Franz Joseph I), "France", Germany…

[ID: Cover of Pulitzer's World with headline that reads, "Maine explosion caused by bomb or torpedo?" /end ID]AnalysisDeliberate: premeditatedSystemic: part of a methodical and regular campaign by the American mediaAttempt: perceptual,…

[ID: A political cartoon published in Puck depicts the US as a male hero saving a a grateful female Cuba from the villainous Spain figure. /end ID]AnalysisDeliberate: premeditatedSystemic: part of a methodical and regular campaign by the American…

[ID: Cartoon showing the queen of Spain struggling to hold two strong boys "Cuba" and "Philippine Islands" trying to free themselves. Below is text that reads, "She is getting too feeble to hold them." /end ID]AnalysisDeliberate:…

[ID: Print shows Uncle Sam hanging onto a young woman labeled "Philippines" who is dangling over a cliff labeled "U.S.", above a canyon where a tiger labeled "Spanish Misrule" and a wolf labeled "Aguinaldoism" await her fall from Uncle Sam's grasp.…

[ID: Print shows a female figure labeled "Cuba" holding the Cuban flag, caught in a frying pan labeled "Spanish Misrule" that is being held above flames labeled "Anarchy" raging between fighting factions labeled "Insurgents" on the left and…

A political cartoon depicting a bloody, ape-like killer "Spain" that has murdered American sailors and is stepping on an American flag. A tombstone reads, "Maine sailors murdered by Spain." /end ID]AnalysisDeliberate: premeditatedSystemic: part of a…
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